Your NIE Networks meter records both your imported and exported electricity. This is the meter that is read by NIE on a regular basis.
Please see below for examples of various types of NIE Networks meter or watch the video to show you how to read your generation meter.
If you are on an Economy 7 tariff the export reading is normally the default reading, so you won’t need to press any buttons to obtain your export reading.
Press and hold the 'A' button for 3-5 seconds to get the time, and then keep pressing A to cycle through until you see Total with Export above.

Press the blue button until you see a small 5 on the left-hand side of the display. The reading next to the 5 is your export reading.

Meter switches between a ‘t’ and ‘r’ reading. The r reading is your export reading.

Press the number 9 button slowly, allowing the display to change each time, until you see ‘Exp’ or ‘Exp Units’, press number 9 again to show your export reading.

Push the blue display button to cycle through time date and rates 1,2,3 and 4.
The next screen displays a read with a small Σ on the same screen below the reading - this is the total export read.

Press the blue button until you see r √ this will be your export reading.

Press the yellow button until you see Export above the reading.

Press the black button until you see 5 on the left-hand side of the display.

Press the green button until you see a – next to tot, this is your export reading.

Press the top white button until you see totE. This is your export reading.

Press the blue button until you see EP.

This meter switches between a ‘0’ and ‘1’ reading. The 1 reading is your export reading
If you don't see your meter type please contact us and we will be happy to help.
[email protected]
Phone: 028 9068 5010 (lines open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)