Bills & payments FAQs
Farm Nightsaver is generally the best tariff, offering 7 hours of low-cost electricity every day from 1am to 8am (2am to 9am in summer). Farms typically use 20-30% of their consumption at the low rate. If you can switch more to the low rate you will make bigger savings. For example, if you are using 40,000 units a year and 25% low rate, you would save around £400 per year compared to our Farm Popular tariff. Very large farms, using more than 100,000 units a year, are better off on the monthly-billed Multirate tariff.
Pay your bills by Direct Debit and get 4% discount. Switch to online billing with an online account and get an additional 2% discount. (Discounts apply to quarterly-billed business and farm tariffs only. Online billing discount only available to Direct Debit customers. Other discounts apply for monthly-billed users)
The big electricity users on a poultry farm are lighting, ventilation fans and water pumps for drinking and cleaning.
Replace standard light bulbs with Compact Fluorescents; and tungsten halogen floodlights with high pressure sodium lights. Switch off all lights (including fluorescents) when not required.
Regular cleaning of fans can help achieve savings of around 10%. Ensure that ducts allow the smooth passage of air – battens and obstructions can decrease efficiency by 20%.
Solar water heating can provide up to 40% of your annual hot water requirement. Generate you own electricity and take advantage of government ‘green’ incentives. To find out more about renewable generation here.