Bills & payments FAQs
Here are the most common reasons for a higher than expected bill:
Estimated readings
Was your last bill based on an estimated reading?
It may have been too low, and this bill is simply ‘catching up’.
A change in operating hours? Even 1 hour extra per day can add 15% to your bills.
A change in routine?
Is equipment being left on over-night that was previously switched off at closing time? Has someone changed the settings on your heating/air conditioning?
New equipment?
Additional electric heating, air conditioning, refrigeration or lighting usually means more units being used and bigger bills.
Seasonal changes?
Are you comparing a winter bill to a summer bill? It’s also quite common to get a higher bill in winter when heating and lighting are used for longer periods.
A longer billing period?
Quarterly bills are usually based on a 91-day period (3 months). Occasionally meters are read early or late, for example if there were access problems or to avoid holiday closures. This can result in you getting a bill for a longer period, making it higher than usual.