Bills & payments FAQs
This guide provides information about all the details included on your large business' electricity bill.
We offer larger users tailor-made, personalised contracts which include renewable Green Energy options and cash back tariffs.
Such customers are billed monthly and this is how your bill is made up:
You will find more information on the back of the bill
Customer name and billing address – if this is not correct please let us know
This shows your opening balance before this bill
This shows the total amount of this bill
You’ll see your account balance here. The amount now due on your account is shown and must be paid on the due date shown, unless you pay by monthly Direct Debit in which case you do not need to do anything
Here you will find your key account information including Account Number, Meter Point Reference Number and Tariff. Larger users are usually billed monthly
Premises supplied
For your convenience we provide a full breakdown of the units used on a separate page
This shows the full breakdown of your bill calculation. The rates depend on your tariff and contract status. We offer discount for paying by Direct Debit and for customers on a 1, 2 or 3 year contract. We can also offer you a Green Energy contract, please ask us for a quote
Availability Charge is based on the capacity of your electricity supply. For new and increased supplies it is based on the size of supply requested. For other supplies it is based on your Maximum Demand
Energy Price Adjustment (EPA) applies to Variable Price tariffs and ensures you pay the latest market rate. It can be a debit or credit adjustment depending on wholesale price changes in the Single Electricity Market during the previous month. If you prefer more stability we can offer you a ‘Fixed Price’ contract with no EPA