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HSENI, in partnership with Rural Support, Farm Safety Partnership and Workplace Health Leadership Group NI have developed a website, specifically tailored to the farming community, to help identify the level and origin of stress and direct the community to further support services where necessary.
How to access the website
We hope this website is a useful tool, and will help the farming community by providing guidance and direction to further support. You access the website by clicking the link below:
Farm in mind website (www.farminmind.co.uk)
Mental health is a concern for us all. The past few years have been particularly stressful for everyone and there has been considerable change in recent years within the agriculture sector. Recognising the signs and symptoms of stress at an early stage can be beneficial so that things don’t fester and worsen. Taking care of your mental health will have a positive impact on your work, so that you can continue to work well on your farm.
Stress and suffering from mental health conditions have been known to heighten the risk of accidents which can ruin lives and businesses. You may not be able to put your finger on exactly what is causing you stress or causing you worry or there may be more than one thing on your mind, here is where the new Farm in Mind website should help.
Why the website was developed
This website was developed by HSENI, in partnership with Rural Support, the Farm Safety Partnership and the Workplace Health Leadership Group to help farmers and the wider farming community identify areas of stress and to help signpost people to the right support services. Rural Support have provided their expertise by developing their hub which helps direct people to support services, tailored to their specific needs. What you input into the website will help identify what is causing you stress and you will be directed to the most relevant support for help and guidance.
There are also some excellent resources on the website including Rural Support’s "Coping with the Pressures of Farming" booklet which has been researched and collated to address some of the many issues, especially within farming, that may contribute to stress.
How does the farm in mind website work?
The website is very simple to use, it has 2 short questionnaires – the WHO 5 well-being Index which uses 5 key questions to help identify your current stress levels. The other is the Stress Indicator Tool, tailored for the farming community, which comprises of 25 short questions – this will then help you see what areas of life are causing you the most stress.
Depending on your answers, you will then be directed, through the hub, to the most relevant information and support services for help and advice.