Bills & payments FAQs
This guide provides information about how group bills work, what's in group bills, paying group bills and adding and removing sites.
How does a group bill work?
The bills for each site are prepared as normal, but instead of being issued individually they are aggregated to form a single, convenient monthly group bill. This means you only have to process one payment each month, which can greatly reduce your administration costs.
Does the group bill contain a breakdown of the charges for each site?
Yes. Each group bill clearly shows the units consumed at each site and all of the associated costs.
What if I have a query about one of the sites on a group bill?
Simply call our Customer Helpline and we will be happy to investigate it further.
Important: please do not delay or withhold payment pending this investigation. If an adjustment is subsequently required it will be included in the next group bill.
What if I only pay part of the group bill?
Your part-payment may not be allocated to the correct sites. This can lead to great difficulties for both parties trying to reconcile payments at a later stage.
Who qualifies for group billing?
If you have two or more monthly-billed, or six or more quarterly-billed premises you are eligible for group billing.
Can quarterly and monthly sites be on the same group bill?
No. Unfortunately this is not possible due to the different meter reading cycles.
Can sites be added or removed from the group account?
Yes. New premises can be added, and existing premises removed at any time. Just contact our Customer Helpline and we will make the necessary arrangements.