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Do you have an electric vehicle and want to make savings on your electricity bill while charging at home?

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Coming Soon, Power NI will be the first energy supplier in Northern Ireland to offer the first electric vehicle tariffs.

So, you may be wondering what exactly is an electric vehicle (EV) tariff?

Available soon for people who own or regularly use an electric vehicle, Battery Electric Vehicles or Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle and who charge their vehicle at home.

Power NI’s EV tariff will help customers get the best value for their EV mileage when they make the switch to one of our EV tariffs.

Did you know…?

There are two different tariffs for customers to choose from based on different EV owners’ individual EV driving, model range and charging habits: The EV Anytime tariff or EV Nightshift tariff.

What’s even better is that our electric vehicle tariffs are available to anyone with plug-in vehicles, whether this is a battery electric vehicle (BEV) or a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).

Which electric vehicle tariff is the right one for me?

Customers have two options on offer, the EV anytime tariff and the EV nightshift tariff. So, what’s the difference?

Electric Vehicle Anytime tariff

If you’re doing long journeys, often needing to top up your range in the evening, or regularly charge your car during the day, the EV Anytime tariff will give you flexibility and the best value. This is the one to consider.

The EV anytime is a single-rate tariff that gives you the best unit rate 24 hours a day with a quarterly standing charge. This means you pay the same unit rate all day and a standing charge that is billed quarterly. And the EV Anytime tariff is available to customers on a Keypad or Credit billed payment plan.

Electric Vehicle nightshift tariff

Do you regularly have range to spare after your daily driving? Can you wait to charge your car overnight? – if you’ve answered yes, the off-peak EV Nightshift tariff is most likely the tariff for you.

There are two different unit rates, one for daytime use and one for night-time use, which is cheaper. EV nightshift tariff is an off-peak tariff with a standing charge and is billed quarterly. EV Nightshift is available for credit billed payment methods only.

To take full advantage of the EV Nightshift tariff you should charge during the off-peak hours* as much as possible. Don’t worry, this doesn't mean you have to be up at 1am. The best way to charge during off-peak hours is with a smart EV charger, that allows you to schedule when your car starts and stops charging. As well as this, some models of electric vehicles even have on-board charging scheduling, allowing you to set the time when you want your car to charge without a smart charger.

Electric Vehicle Tariff benefits…

There are lots of added benefits when you switch to an EV tariff.

If you have recently purchased an electric car and are charging at home, you’ll probably have noticed your electricity bill has increased, but with Power NI’s new EV tariffs you can reduce the cost of driving compared to charging on a standard tariff. The tariff is a one-stop shop for your electricity needs covering consumption for your electric car as well as home.

By switching to an EV tariff, you’re also doing your bit for the environment. Our Electric Vehicle tariffs are powered by 100% renewable energy sources. You can even make the choice to go paperless and receive bills, keypad statements and customer letters into your inbox with Energy Online at no extra cost.

You’re also eligible to sign up to our customer rewards scheme, Power NI Perks, where you can get savings on hundreds of brands.

Thinking of buying an electric vehicle?

Here’s some information you need to know. Our EV tariffs are exclusive to Power NI customers who currently own a fully electric, Battery Electric or plug-in electric vehicle. Self-charging hybrid cars are not eligible for the EV tariffs.

Once you received your Electric Vehicle, contact us and we can switch you to the EV tariff of your choice. *The off-peak rate times for EV Nightshift are GMT Winter - 1am to 8am BST Summer - 2am to 9am

I know what you’re thinking, where can I switch to an EV tariff? Simply fill out the form to register your interest and we will contact you to complete the change to your preferred EV tariff at a time that suits you! Register your interest

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