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Power NI Partner Up With Plain Numbers

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Northern Ireland’s leading energy provider Power NI, part of Energia Group, has become the first energy provider in Northern Ireland to partner up with organisation Plain Numbers to create clearer communications for customers who struggle with numeracy.

Key members of the Power NI Customer Solutions teams have already started the comprehensive Plain Numbers Practitioner training course, which provides the practitioners with tools and strategies to adapt their communication style, making it easier for customers to understand their energy bills and consumption, meaning that no one is left behind.

Commenting on the partnership, Gwyneth Compston, Power NI’s CSR Manager said: “Numeracy vulnerabilities affect millions of people across the UK and research has shown that Northern Ireland ranks second lowest across the regions, with almost half of adults only having the numeracy levels of a primary school child.

“We are committed to providing a flexible and inclusive service for our customers and have worked hard over the last number of years to ensure the correct level of support is available for all, achieving the Inclusive Service Provision Kitemark, along with other partnerships with organisation such as NOW Group and Plain English. Plain Numbers is just a further step in making our communications more easily accessible, helping to empower our customers to make informed choices around their energy usage.”

Plain Numbers work with leading brands to improve customer understanding by changing how numbers are presented in customer communications. The Plain Numbers Approach is an evidence-based approach, with research trials across a variety of industries and forms of communication, proving that when the Plain Numbers Approach was implemented, customer understanding increased.

Mike Ellicock, Chief Executive of Plain Numbers comments: “Power NI is setting itself apart as a market leader by being the first energy firm to partner with Plain Numbers. It’s great to see Power NI making genuine moves to enable their customers to better understand their bill and how it’s calculated. The more informed people are, the more able they are to make the right choices for their financial situation.” 

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