Debbie Caldwell, Belfast City Council, Belfast Lord Mayor Kate Nicholl & Chris McCracken, Linen Quarter BID, launch the first RE[act] Festival for a Sustainable Belfast 2021.
Linen Quarter Business Improvement District (LQ BID), in conjunction with Belfast City Council and the COP26 Regional Fund, is delighted to reveal RE[act] Festival 2021 – a completely new festival which seeks to inspire a more sustainable Belfast.
Running from the 2nd-12th November, a series of events will take place at the same time as COP26, and LQ BID has aligned their thinking with the main COP26 themes, to help integrate Northern Ireland into the global conversation.
The keynote address, to kickstart the festival, is from global expert Carol Lemmens and will take place on Thursday 2nd November in The Clayton Hotel, Belfast. Carol will discuss how to create a more circular city, moving from use and dispose to redesign and repurpose. LQ BID has then arranged a series of events, alongside key partners, to help re-imagine everything we do, from food to fashion, transport to the built environment, and from finance to community empowerment.
Interested in getting involved? Why not pick a theme that interests you most, or explore the full calendar of events in more detail? Take the next step and sign up to this exciting new journey, as we rethink how we use our resources and reimagine how we develop our city. The aim is that individuals, organisations, and government will all come together to RE[act] for a sustainable Belfast. The journey begins now!
For more information visit:
Power NI is proud to support Linen Quarter BID and RE[act] Festival and will be hosting a webinar for Ulster Wildlife on 'How Nature Based Solutions can help bring us back from the brink of climate catastrophe'.
This event is on Mon 8th Nov, 1pm-2pm, where a panel of Ulster Wildlife experts will explain how they are applying Nature Based Solutions here in NI and what local businesses can do to support. To find out more or register today.