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Third-party Representatives
I want a third-party representative to be able to speak about my account on my behalf. How can I do this?
To allow a third-party representative access to your account, the Power NI account holder must give authorisation on the phone. Th...
What details on my account can be discussed with a third-party representative, without me being on the call?
We cannot discuss the amount owed on the account, but we can take a payment, a meter reading, cancel a bill or adjust the bill on ...
I am a landlord. Can I discuss the electricity account on one of my properties?
No account information can be discussed unless you are a named account holder or have completed the ‘Joint Tenancy’ fo...
Can I use an interpreter or translator to help me discuss my Power NI account?
Yes, an interpreter or translator can be used if the Power NI account holder gives authorisation on the call.
What is Power of Attorney?
‘Power of Attorney’ or ‘Lasting Power of Attorney’ allows a person to legally act on behalf of another per...
I had previously given a third-party representative authority to speak on my behalf. How can I remove this person from my account?
If you are the main account holder, you can ask for a named person to be removed from your account. When you call us, we will ask ...
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