Billing FAQs
This is an annual statement to show how much electricity you have used in the last year and will also include the following information relating to your account:
Discount received
Total number of top ups
Unit rate
This statement is purely for your information, you don’t have to take any action.
Other questions you may have relating to you Keypad Annual Statement.
Why does the total amount topped up differ from the amount I’ve used? Should these not be the same?
The amount used is based on meter readings and does not include any credit on your meter at the time of your last meter reading.
Can I use my Keypad unit to accurately find out how much electricity I have used?
Yes! Press button 2 to see how much you have used in pounds and pence each month for the last 13 months.
I came back to Power NI, I had my Keypad installed, I moved to a new house during the 12 months. What is the usage based on then?
The usage is calculated from the date you came back to Power NI, the date your Keypad meter was installed or the date you moved house.
I am paying off money I owe to Power NI through my Keypad. Is this included in the total amount topped up or bought?
No. The information provided is the total amount of credit you received in your meter, after any deductions were taken.
I would like to provide a meter reading, how do I do this?
To provide a meter reading visit NIE Networks website or call NIE Network’s automated meter reading service on 03456 093 030.