Billing FAQs
You can check on your meter by pressing button 4 to see the last 5 codes that have been entered. This way you can check if your 40 to 60 digit tariff change code has been entered.
If you have not entered your 40 to 60 digit tariff change code correctly, all future top-ups will fail. You will get a ‘rejected’ message, followed by ‘wrong tar’.
If you haven’t received your 40 to 60 digit code, please email us at [email protected] with your Keypad Premise number and we will help you.
This quick and easy step-by-step guide will show you how to change your Keypad to our new rate.
Following our price change, when you purchase a Power NI Keypad top up you will receive a one-off price change powercode (which will be 40 or 60 digits, depending on your tariff). You will need to key in all digits on your Keypad followed by the # key.