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Monthly Direct Debit

Women on phoneManaging your bills made easy with monthly Direct Debit

Say goodbye to unexpected spikes in your payments and hello to a predictable, manageable way to pay. 

You can log into your online account at any time to check your usage on your quarterly bills, review your account balance and read your letters.

How your Direct Debit works

  1. Set your monthly amount:  
    We determine your monthly payment based on your past usage, if available, or on the current details of your home. Then select your preferred payment date between the 1st and 28th of each month. More information on payment calculations is provided below. 
  2. Meter Readings: 
    Once you’re signed up your payment will automatically be deducted each month. However, make sure to keep sending in quarterly readings to keep your amount accurate. 
  3. Review: 
    To help keep your payments consistent, they may be adjusted depending on your energy usage. Review your quarterly bills, emails or letters from Power NI to stay aware of any change.

What are the benefits of monthly Direct Debit?

Spreads the cost

Avoid large bill amounts in winter months 

Automatic payments

No need to worry about missing payments

Best electricity plan

With savings of up to 6% or £60 per year

Peace of mind

Protected by the direct debit guarantee

How is your monthly Direct Debit calculated?

If you are a current Power NI customer, we look at your historical energy use to forecast your costs for the next 12 months.

If you are new to Power NI, we won't have your historical energy usage, therefore we base your payment from your property details; e.g. property type, number rooms, occupants and a conversation around your previous consumption.

I have credit on my account. Why has this not been refunded?

We want to help you manage your energy costs, so we try to spread your monthly Direct Debit payments evenly throughout the year. 

If a statement shows you're in credit that could be due to the season. For example, you may have built up a credit during the summer that you'll need to pay for the extra energy you may use during the winter - that's why we don't issue a refund automatically. 

You can request a refund by contacting us. Phone lines open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Calls are recorded for quality assurance purposes.

Can my monthly Direct Debit change?

Yes, your monthly payment will be reviewed to ensure it reflects your actual usage, so you are not under paying or overpaying.
For example, if your bills have been estimated, when we obtain actual meter readings, we can see exactly how much energy you're using. If we’re unable to obtain an actual meter reading, we'll estimate how much energy you're using.

Your online account

Manage your electricity within the Power NI app

App on a smartphone desktop App on a smartphone mobile
  • Pay a bill or access Power NI Perks
  • View bills and letters
  • Monitor your usage
  • Submit meter readings

Help & support with bill payment plans

  • Can I view my bill online?
    You can view your bill online and access lots of other benefits (including savings of up to £60* per year) by registering for our paperless billing service on your online account.
  • When do you review my Direct Debit?

    Your Monthly Direct Debit is reviewed annually and 6 monthly if it falls within certain parameters. If we think you're paying too much, or not enough, for the energy you've used and what you're likely to use in the future then we'll adjust your Monthly Direct Debit accordingly.

    We'll let you know about this by email or letter and give you at least 10 working days’ notice of the change.

  • Can I make additional payments to clear my balance?
    As a Direct Debit customer and per the Direct Debit agreement we will debit your bank account as follows:
    • Monthly Direct Debit – as per your precharged amount
    • Quarterly Direct Debit – as per your bill amount
    Only if required, additional payments can be made by clicking on pay my bill. You will be directed to our Energy Online website where you can make a payment using a debit or credit card.
  • Can I change the date my Direct Debit is taken?
    If you need to change the date of your Monthly Direct Debit please call us on 03457 455 455. You can choose a payment date between the 1st and 28th of each month. Eight working days’ notice is needed for the change to take effect.

    Customers who pay by Quarterly Direct Debit can’t change their payment date as it will automatically be made 14 days after the date on the bill.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to suspend Direct Debit payments. Please call us to discuss alternative options.

    Phone lines open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. Calls are recorded for quality assurance purposes.
  • Do I get my bill before my Direct Debit is taken?
    Monthly Direct Debit
    If you are paying by Monthly Direct Debit (equal monthly payments) you will receive a bill as usual each quarter, but your Direct Debit will be taken out each month.

    Quarterly Direct Debit
    If you pay by Quarterly Direct Debit (full bill amount every 3 months) you will receive your bill in advance of your payment being made each quarter. Payment is usually taken 14 days after the date on the bill.
  • What costs make up my electricity bill?
    Every household is different, however there are common themes that occur in most households regarding energy consumption. Acknowledging which electrical appliances use the most electricity and understanding basic energy saving tips, can have a positive impact in terms of a lower electricity bill.