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Energy Charter
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Energy Charter
Are all consumers likely to benefit from the commitments in the Energy Charter?
The Consumer Energy Charter is designed to help consumers in need. Its protections extend to all households, however in practice, ...
What does making a financial commitment to a hardship fund involve – how much will be contributed? Who will look after the hardship fund, and how can consumers get the support?
All suppliers have committed to supporting a third party hardship fund for consumers in need. Contributions will be made to an ext...
What does offering to reduce the maximum debt repayment for consumers mean in practical terms?
Pre-payment customers in debt to their suppliers are expected to pay off some of what they owe when they top up their gas or elect...
How will suppliers maintaining an individual assessment of the ability to pay benefit consumers?
Suppliers are already required to try to identify and communicate with customers who risk having difficulty with bill payments. By...
What is the customer care register, and how do consumers get on this register?
Gas and electricity suppliers are required to compile and maintain a Customer Care Register which stores details of consumers who ...
Why are the commitments in the charter voluntary?
The aim was to agree and promote a charter to provide enhanced consumer protection for households this Winter. Mandatory measur...
What will be done to make sure suppliers honour their commitments?
Since suppliers have made a voluntary commitment to the Energy Charter, there is every reason to believe they will act in accordan...
Who will operate the website offering clear, up-to-date energy efficiency information?
The Consumer Council for Northern Ireland provides advice for consumers on a range of energy matters. It is envisaged that it w...
What should consumers do if they need any help or support?
Consumers should contact suppliers directly if they need help or support. All the information consumers need should be on supplier...
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