Billing FAQs
If your top up code is being rejected, firstly check you are pressing the ‘*’ button, followed by your 20 digit top up code then the ‘#’ button to finish.
If the code is still being rejected, please:
Check that you have entered all digits correctly.
Ensure that your code is entered as one long number.
Check the 19 digit premise number on your Keypad card matches the one on your receipt, website or app and begins with ‘98269’.
Check that you have topped up using your own card rather than a friends or relatives as it relates only to your Keypad meter.
For customers making online payments, please remember that when topping up online, you may need to confirm your payment with your bank or building society. Please follow their usual online payment process to complete your transaction and make sure that your top-up purchase is completed successfully.
Accepted: Your top up code has been accepted. Your Keypad will show the amount of electricity you have bought followed by the word ‘account’ and the total amount of credit you have.
Rejected: The meter has rejected the top up code. This will be followed by a message telling you why the number was rejected. If this appears wait until the fault message clears and start from the beginning again.
Duplicate: This top up code has already been added to your Keypad. Wait until the message clears, press the ‘*’ button and enter the new top up code. Make sure it’s not one you’ve used before. If you press button ‘4’ you can see the last five top up codes entered into your Keypad.
Incorrect: You have entered the incorrect top up code. Wait until the message clears, press the ‘*’ button and then re-enter the number.
Wrong Tar: You have not entered the most recent tariff change code which we issue when there have been changes to the rate your electricity is charged. If you have lost your tariff change code, here's how to find it. Once you have entered the tariff change code you will be able to enter the last top up code you bought. If you need help with this outside our working hours, or your electricity supply is off, please call Northern Ireland Electricity Networks on 03457 643 643 (available 24 hours a day, seven days a week).
Credit Hi: You have too much credit on your meter (the maximum limit is £999.99). Keep your top up code in a safe place until you have used up some credit and then you can use it.
Error: There has been a delay of more than 20 seconds between entering each digit, you may need to re-enter your top-up code more quickly.
Kblock: This means that your top up code has been rejected five times in a row. Wait until the message clears, then re-enter your top up code.
Overload: This means you have used too much electricity for your Keypad meter. This can sometimes happen if you are using too many appliances at once. To fix this, press and hold the ‘0’ key for up to 10 seconds. Click here to find out more information on the Keypad overload error.
If your error message is not listed above please contact us.